But I Could Do So Much More…

We were in the middle of a marriage counseling session, Matt and I. We were counseling a couple just newly wed and, as always because our little ones are still so little, our three year old and one year old were running around, playing with toy trucks and cars, knocking over block towers. We tried... Continue Reading →

A Different Kind of Wonder (to my Evangeline)

I have begun to see again the beauty of the different colors of the flowers and the way the birds sing so joyfully in the spring and the way the leaves drop so whimsically from the trees in the fall. These are all things that you love and wonder at, Evangeline. Thank you for causing me to wonder anew at them, too. Because in my wonder of them, I have come to wonder at the Creator of them, the Creator of you. And in my wonder of God as our Creator, I have grown in my trust of Him as our Sustainer and in my love of Him as our Savior.

Remember How He Told You

According to modeling by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington in Seattle, the United States will reach its highest daily number of deaths from COVID-19 on or around this Sunday. I find this strikingly ironic due to the fact that this Sunday is also the day that we celebrate... Continue Reading →

A Deadly Dementia

No, I don't have actual dementia. I do have what some might call "mom brain," having too much on my mind, or just plain forgetfulness. Sometimes this forgetfulness is funny, like when I watch a movie with my husband for the second time and ask him question after question about the plot. Sometimes it's just annoying, like when I forget to turn the dryer on after putting the clothes in.

However, the dementia I'm referring to is serious and harmful. It is not just a funny, comical, trivial forgetfulness that I can overlook and forget about (pun intended).

Look at the Birds

Even before this world pandemic began, I spent a lot of time looking out the big picture window in my living room. Being a stay at home mom, I've spent much of my days playing with my little girl in that room, looking out that window and pointing out the trees, the creek, the grass,... Continue Reading →

The Shame in the Struggle

To be honest, I am coming to this blank screen feeling very inadequate, even shameful. Inadequate to write about something that I struggle so terribly with. Shameful that I even struggle with it in the first place. Anxiety. Depression. If you've followed my blog for any length of time, you know that these are deep-seated... Continue Reading →

When Life Doesn’t Spark Joy

"Choose what makes your heart happy." "Rid your life of all things that don't spark joy." "God just wants you to be happy." I have to be honest, I love the sentiment behind these quotes. I want to be happy all the time. I want to only surround myself with people who support me for... Continue Reading →

When I Don’t Feel Thankful

Thanksgiving is upon us. Reminders to "give thanks" and to "be of good cheer" are hanging in offices, in store windows, and on coffee shop signs. Social media is full of "30 days of thankfulness" posts and photos. We are reminded on many fronts to be thankful, to be grateful, to not take for granted.... Continue Reading →

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