But I Could Do So Much More…

We were in the middle of a marriage counseling session, Matt and I. We were counseling a couple just newly wed and, as always because our little ones are still so little, our three year old and one year old were running around, playing with toy trucks and cars, knocking over block towers. We tried... Continue Reading →

Advice for a Thriving Marriage in Seminary, Part 2

In case you missed the first part of this post where Matt wrote advice for the married seminarian, I would encourage you to read it here. The following post is one that Matt and I wrote together on advice for the spouse of the seminary student. These are just a few things we have learned... Continue Reading →

Washing Dishes Isn’t Necessary

This is not some hippie post about stylishly refusing to wash dishes by hand because we need to preserve soap and water (a July 2018 article actually says that to hand wash dishes is "literally wasting your life"). It's also not about deciding that it's unnecessary to eat off of clean plates and forks. In reality,... Continue Reading →

The When, Thens of Life

“Most men are not satisfied with the permanent output of their lives. Nothing can wholly satisfy the life of Christ within His followers except the adoption of Christ’s purpose toward the world He came to redeem. Fame, pleasure and riches are but husks and ashes in contrast with the boundless and abiding joy of working... Continue Reading →

When I Feel Disqualified

I often struggle to bite back my tongue when my husband says something that hits a nerve, especially when I’m tired and hungry. I often struggle with being “hangry” – that wicked combination of being hungry and irritated all at the same time. My hunger fuels this entitlement to get, get, get. I deserve food,... Continue Reading →

This is What He Did

Tonight, I intended to go sit down at a quiet coffee shop, plug in my headphones, and work on a writing project I have been trying to work on for some time. I headed toward one of my favorite area coffee shops, but because of construction I was detoured more than once. I finally got... Continue Reading →

I Thought I Knew the Gospel

"It's one thing to graduate from college ready to change the world. It's another to be resolute in praying that God would change you" (Kevin DeYoung, The Hole in Our Holiness). As a senior in high school, I was excited to fill out my application to Moody Bible Institute. I don't remember the exact words that... Continue Reading →

This is How I Want to See

He limps down the street, not seemingly old enough for a walker but pushing one along nonetheless. His beard is thin and matted; the hair on his head would look the same, I assume, if he took off the green winter hat that keeps him warm - that and the bottle of vodka he has... Continue Reading →

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