Washing Dishes Isn’t Necessary

This is not some hippie post about stylishly refusing to wash dishes by hand because we need to preserve soap and water (a July 2018 article actually says that to hand wash dishes is "literally wasting your life"). It's also not about deciding that it's unnecessary to eat off of clean plates and forks. In reality,... Continue Reading →

Why Me?

Why me? is a question that I ask all too often. Sometimes it's for a seemingly good reason, or at least as a natural response to a tragic event. A car slams his breaks in front of me and I collide into his bumper. Why me? My grandparents pass away within a few months of... Continue Reading →

Do You Not Remember?

"When the disciples reached the other side, they had forgotten to bring any bread. Jesus said to them, 'Watch and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.' And they began discussing it among themselves, saying, 'We brought no bread.' But Jesus, aware of this, said, 'O you of little faith, why are you... Continue Reading →

Jesus Came to Heal All of Us

Jesus came to heal all of us. Every part of us. Body, soul, mind, and spirit. All of us. Working at a non-profit homeless ministry, I often get asked questions on the work that is being done there. Every day, we feed over 100 men and women. We provide services (showers, food, laundry, hair cuts,... Continue Reading →

When I Feel Disqualified

I often struggle to bite back my tongue when my husband says something that hits a nerve, especially when I’m tired and hungry. I often struggle with being “hangry” – that wicked combination of being hungry and irritated all at the same time. My hunger fuels this entitlement to get, get, get. I deserve food,... Continue Reading →

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